A New Adventure Awaits in Everafter Falls (AD)

Author’s Note: A Game Key for Everafter Falls was kindly provided by Akupara Games

Everafter Falls is the new cosy and adorable lifestyle farming simulation game from SquareHusky and Akupara Games!

This all-new farming adventure tasks players to rediscover the simpler times. With a variety of activities including farming, fishing, foraging and some elements of combat, you’ll find yourself tasked with restoring peace in Everafter Falls.

Additionally, you’ll be aided by your pet who is equipped with a number of useful skills, automated drones, pixies who can help with harvesting resources, delightfully dangerous dungeons and a card-eating progression system.

Did I mention there is also split-screen co-op play?

The Start of a New Adventure

Launching Everafter Falls for the very first time had me truly excited. From the moment I first discovered the game, I knew this was one game I would be checking out. There was something about the trailer that pulled me in. Curious to find out more, I started to wonder how my adventure in Everafter Falls would play out.

Instead of dreaming about it, I could now dive in and discover what truly lay ahead for my character!

Choosing a Farm Layout

Before I embarked on the journey that awaited me, I had several quick and easy tasks I needed to take care of first.

Most importantly, choosing one of three farm styles. Players can choose from Standard, Mini or Moat farm layouts.

For my first play-through of Everafter Falls, I decided to keep it simple and chose the Standard farm layout.

Next up, character creation!

Creating Your Character

Whenever I start a new game, I always look forward to creating my character. Everafter Falls was no different.

The game’s art style is honestly cute and adorable, but also so full of colour that it made creating my character all the more fun.

While the character creation may look simple and straightforward, don’t let that hold you back. I had a lot of fun combining different colours and patterns together before I found the perfect look for my character and pet!

Searching for Everafter in Everafter Falls

Now that I was all set up and ready to go, it was time to dive into the mystery of Everafter Falls.

The opening cut scene set the scene and introduced us to our character in the game for the first time. We also got a bit of a backstory about what had happened previously, and how we ended up where we were now.

Awakening in Everafter Falls, somewhat confused as to how much time had passed, my character was able to begin piecing parts of the story together.

As you progress through the initial tutorial quests, you learn about the different tools and features available to your character and also your pet. Soon enough, it was time to set about completing quests, exploring the world around me and meeting the local residents.

Although I have been playing the game over the past few days, I still feel very early on within the game’s storyline. I did spend a few in-game days just gathering resources and clearing my farm, as well as patches of the world around me.

I explored a little deeper into Everafter Falls, tried my hand at some mining and attempted my first dungeon, which was a fun experience. This was the moment I realized that the game had me hooked, and I’ve loved playing every moment of the game so far.

As for the quests I’ve experienced so far, they have been great fun! They’ve helped me learn more about the game and familiarized me with my character’s past and the mystery surrounding Everafter Falls. Slowly but surely my character is becoming a farming expert, however, still a long way off of being a true master.

Of course, I can’t forget to mention the card-eating mechanic that features in the game. These offer you unique abilities and stats within the game. Just make sure you choose carefully and hope that your character likes the taste of cardboard!

Thoughts on Everafter Falls so Far

Everafter Falls is an excellent addition to anyone’s gaming library, especially those who love a good farming or life simulation. Aesthetically lovely and the accompanying soundtrack adds to the overall gaming experience. There are many features within the game that I love and make for a pleasant, cosy experience.

In fact, the game has plenty to offer for players, from exciting community events and tasks to keep your character busy. There’s also plenty within the dungeons and mining, as well as getting to know the local townsfolk. The mix of farming, fishing and combat works wonderfully together alongside your pet and super helpful drones.

As for negatives, I can’t say I’ve come across many during my experience with the game. The most noticeable hurdle I’ve faced myself is upon loading my save file, it can take a few moments to load. Once loaded, everything is smooth sailing.

All in all, though, Everafter Falls is everything you could want and more in a farming and lifestyle simulation game. From its unique and silly charm, even to the point of referencing other similar games, to gameplay that keeps pulling you back in. I definitely recommend taking the time to check out Everafter Falls when it launches on 20th June 2024 on Steam (PC), Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and Xbox.

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